At Mission Possible, I was talking to a shocked-skinny man, Isaiah, and followed him back to the red booth he was sitting at. Michael was sitting politely across from Isaiah’s backpack, sipping coffee and watching us intently.

He was shaking his head. No, it’s not always a choice. Far from it.

He promised me his story the next time I see him.


I was at Church Under the Bridge, staring down a colorful row of parked cars. After speaking with Rick, I spot him, leaning on a dull-black bicycle against a concrete pillar, one foot bracing the floor—he crossed his arms, looking somewhere far off.

We talked for more than an hour. He’s a soft-spoken man, and really sincere. I really enjoyed our conversation; I’m continuing to learn new things from each person I meet. What I found remarkable about Michael was his inner drive—a real desire to improve himself. I think it’s such an important trait to have, for anyone who’s made mistakes before.


Isabella, 11/27/16


← Read Michael’s Story


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